Quebec's Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is strongly condemning the use of a Nazi slogan on a protest sign at a student demonstration Wednesday night.

The sign reproduced the infamous phrase "Work makes you free," which the Nazis installed at the front gates of the Auschwitz, Dachau and Zaxen-Hausen concentration and extermination camps during the Holocaust.

CIJA Quebec vice-president Luciano Del Negro says it is wrong for students to compare what happened in Nazi Germany with their disagreement with a democratically elected government.

"It's unfortunate. It minimizes, it trivializes the horror of the Holocaust, it trivializes the barbarism which was suffered not only by Jews, but by gypsies and homosexuals at the hands of the Nazis. So I think we have to be careful," he said.

He said he has no problem with the protesters expressing their views, as long as they do so respectfully.